Korean DMZ Zone

The Korean DMZ has been going on for nearly 50 years and has been known to be the most heavily guarded military zone in the world. It is the border that separates North Korea from South Korea. It has been made ever since North Korea became Communist and South Korea became Democratic. There has been almost no peace ever since the formation of this zone.
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Impact of the Korean DMZ

The Korean DMZ is impacting many things, but the most important thing it is affecting is the people who are the most closest to the zone, which is the people who live right on the border of the DMZ and the two countries right next to it, North and South Korea. The two Koreas must constantly worry about an attack from the other side. They need to be ready for anything that the other country might throw at them. If they slack off even a little bit, then the opposing country might get the upper hand and win control over the other country. If this happens, then the countries supporting the fallen country will attack the other Korea, which would make the other Korea's supporters come and fight to protect their allies. When all this ensues, then a huge war might occur and then trying to make another peace agreement would be nearly impossible.
However, the two opposing Koreas aren't the only people affected. There are also people who live right on the border of the Korean DMZ. They are just affected as the Koreas due to the fact that they have to live in constant fear that one of the Koreas will go through the borderline and attack the opposing Korea. If this happens, there is good chance that the lives of the people in the border would be jeopardy because they are right in the crossfire zone of the two Koreas.
Due to the constant security everyday and damages from the small skirmishes, there is a lot of money needed to be paid to the soldiers that are on guard and money to be paid to fix for all the damages. The government could be using the money for better purposes and not for fixing damages and constantly paying the soldiers to continue their duty in protecting their country.
However, there are some positive things about the DMZ zone. The biggest, positive thing about the Korean DMZ is the fact that the environment in the zone is very protected due to the high security. Any poaching, hunting, or any of the activities that harm the environment would be impossible to due because of the high security. The soldiers themselves can't do anything of that sort because that would be considered slacking off. Located in the DMZ are many exotic animals that are almost extinct or are getting close to being extinct. Some of the prime examples of the organisms being preserved include the Red-Crowned Crane, the White-naped crane, the Korean Tiger, and the Asiatic black bear. These animals and the environment are safe due to the strict security of both opposing countries.

1: Constant worry about an attack.
2: The environment being safer and rich.
3: Excess amount of money needed to be paid.

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